A global team of smart contract experts

Chainlink is supported by world-class developers, academics, and business experts who are building oracle infrastructure to power the next generation of smart contracts.

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Building a world powered by truth

By powering decentralized systems that link everything to truth, Chainlink is creating a fair, unbiased world that is driven not by vague paper promises but by cryptographic guarantees, demonstrating the superiority of truth over trust.

Groundbreaking technology

The vision of Chainlink is to bring the next generation of decentralized applications to life by enabling hybrid smart contracts on any blockchain that can securely access any critical offchain resource.

Globally recognized

Chainlink has been recognized by leading independent research firms, such as Gartner, and featured in many major publications such as MIT Technology Review, Forbes, and Coindesk.

Ecosystem momentum

Top-tier developers, academics, and entrepreneurs across the world are actively working to accelerate Chainlink adoption and expand the capabilities of smart contracts.

Who we are

We're a global community of developers, academics, and enterprise experts with deep experience in cryptography, decentralized systems, and smart contracts.

Build next-generation decentralized infrastructure


Ari Juels

Technical Advisor

Eric Schmidt


Dan Boneh

Technical Advisor

Jeff Weiner


Tom Gonser


Balaji Srinivasan


Learn more about the Chainlink Network

Chainlink greatly expands the capability of smart contracts by enabling access to real-world data, events, and payments and providing the security and reliability guarantees that are fundamental to blockchain technology.

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